- Celorio-Mancera MP, Steward RA, Pruisscher P, Smialowska A, Braga MP, Janz N, Wheat CW & Nylin S. (2022) ”Larval transcriptomes reflect the evolutionary history of plant-insect associations” Evolution, DOI: 10.1093/evolut/qpac049.
- Braga MP and Janz N (2021) ”Host repertoires and changing insect–plant interactions” Ecological Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/een.13073.
- Braga MP, Janz N, Nylin S, Ronquist F, and Landis MJ (2021) ”Phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral ecological networks through time for pierid butterflies and their host plants” Ecology Letters, 24: 2134-2145 DOI: 10.1111/ele.13842.
- Audusseau H, Ryrholm N, Stefanescu C, Tharel S, Jansson C, Champeaux L, Shaw MR, Raper C, Lewis OT, Janz N and Schmucki R (2021) ”Rewiring of interactions in a changing environment: nettle-feeding butterflies and their parasitoids” Oikos, 130: 624-636. DOI: 10.1111/oik.07953
- Eriksson M, Janz N, Nylin S, and Carlsson MA (2020) ”Structural plasticity of olfactory neuropils in relation to insect diapause” Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7046.
- Ma L, Zhang Y, Lohman DJ, Wahlberg N, Ma F, Nylin S, Janz N, Yago M, Aduse-Poku K, Peggie D, Wang M, Zhang P, and Wang H. (2020) ”A phylogenomic tree inferred with an inexpensive PCR-generated probe kit resolves higher-level relationships among Neptis butterflies (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae)” Systematic Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/syen.12435.
- Braga MP, Landis M, Nylin S, Janz N and Ronquist F (2020) ”Bayesian inference of ancestral host-parasite interactions under a phylogenetic model of host repertoire evolution” Systematic Biology, 69:1149–1162. DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syaa019
- Gamberale-Stille G, Schäpers A, Janz N and Nylin, S (2019) ”Selective attention by priming in host search behavior of 2 generalist butterflies” Behavioral Ecology, 30: 142–149. doi:10.1093/beheco/ary146
- Braga MP, Guimarães Jr PR, Wheat CW, Nylin S and Janz N (2018) ”Unifying host-associated diversification processes using butterfly–plant networks” Nature Communications, 9: 5155 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07677-x
- Braga MP, Araujo SBL, Agosta S, Brooks DR, Hoberg E, Nylin S, Janz N, and Boeger WA (2018) ”Host use dynamics in a heterogeneous fitness landscape generates oscillations in host range and diversification” Evolution, 72: 1773-1783 DOI: 10.1111/evo.13557
- Nylin S, Agosta S, Bensch S, Boeger WA, Braga MP, Brooks DR, Forister ML, Hambäck PA, Hoberg EP, Nyman T, Schäpers A, Stigall AL, Wheat CW, Österling M and Janz N (2018) ”Embracing Colonizations: A New Paradigm for Species Association Dynamics” Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 33:4-14 DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.10.005
- van Dijk LJA, Janz N, Schäpers A, Gamberale-Stille G, and Carlsson MA (2017) ”Experience-dependent mushroom body plasticity in butterflies: consequences of search complexity and host range” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B, 284:20171594 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1594
- Wang H, Holloway JD, Janz N, Braga MP, Wahlberg N, Wang M and Nylin S (2017) ”Polyphagy and diversification in tussock moths: Support for the oscillation hypothesis from extreme generalists” Ecology & Evolution, 7:7975–7986
- Audusseau H, Le Vaillant M, Janz N, Nylin S, Karlsson B and Schmucki R (2017) ”Species range expansion constrains the ecological niches of resident butterflies” Journal of Biogeography, 44:28-38
- Audusseau H, Celorio-Mancera MP, Janz N and Nylin S (2016) ”Why stay in a bad relationship? The effect of local host phenology on a generalist butterfly feeding on a low-ranked host” BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16:144
- Janz N, Braga MP, Wahlberg N and Nylin S (2016) ”On oscillations and flutterings ‐ A reply to Hamm and Fordyce” Evolution, 70(5): 1150-1155
- Celorio-Mancera MP, Wheat CW, Huss M, Vezzi F, Neethiraj R, Reimegård J, Nylin S, and Janz N (2016) ”Evolutionary history of host use, rather than plant phylogeny, determines gene expression in a generalist butterfly” BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16: 59.
- Larsdotter-Mellström H, Eriksson K, Liblikas I I, Wiklund C, Borg-Karlsson AK, Nylin S, Janz N and Carlsson MA (2016) ”It's all in the mix: blend-specific behavioral response to a sexual pheromone in a butterfly” Frontiers in Physiology, 7: 68.
- Schäpers A, Nylin S, Carlsson MA, and Janz N (2016) ”Specialist and generalist oviposition strategies in butterflies: maternal care or precocious young?” Oecologia, 180(2): 335-343.
- Larsdotter-Mellström H, Eriksson K, Janz N, Nylin S and Carlsson MA (2015) ”Male butterflies use an anti-aphrodisiac pheromone to tailor ejaculates” Functional Ecology 30: 255-261
- Audusseau H, Kolb G and Janz N (2015) ”Plant fertilization interacts with life history: Variation in stoichiometry and performance in nettle-feeding butterflies”. PloS One, 10(5), e0124616.
- Celorio-Mancera MP, Ytterberg AJ, Rutishauser D, Janz N and Zubarev RA (2015) ”Effect of host plant and immune challenge on the levels of chemosensory and odorant-binding proteins in caterpillar salivary glands”. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 61: 34-45.
- Nylin S, Söderlind L, Gamberale-Stille G, Audusseau H, Celorio Mancera MP, Janz N and Sperling FAH (2015) ”Vestiges of an ancestral host plant: preference and performance in the butterfly Polygonia faunus and its sister species P. c-album”. Ecological Entomology, 40: 307-315.
- Schäpers A, Carlsson MA, Gamberale-Stille G and Janz N (2015) ”The role of olfactory cues for the search behavior of a specialist and generalist butterfly” Journal of Insect Behavior, 28: 77-87.
- Nylin S, Slove J and Janz N (2014) ”Host plant utilization, host range oscillations and diversification in nymphalid butterflies: a phylogenetic investigation” Evolution, 68(1): 105-124.
- Gamberale-Stille G, Söderlind L, Janz N and Nylin, S (2013) ”Host plant choice in the comma butterfly – larval choosiness may ameliorate effects of indiscriminate oviposition” Insect Science, 21: 499-506.
- Celorio-Mancera MP, Wheat CW, Vogel H, Söderlind L, Janz N and Nylin S (2013) ”Mechanisms of macroevolution: polyphagous plasticity in butterfly larvae revealed by RNA-Seq” Molecular Ecology, 22(19): 4884-4895.
- Audusseau H, Nylin S and Janz N (2013) ”Implications of a temperature increase for host plant range: predictions for a butterfly” Ecology and Evolution, 3(9): 3021– 3029.
- Trona F, Anfora G, Balkenius A, Bengtsson M, Tasin M, Knight A, Janz N, Witzgall, P and Ignell R (2013) ”Neural coding merges sex and habitat chemosensory signals in an insect herbivore” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B, 280 20130267.
- Carlsson MA, Schäpers A, Nässel DR and Janz N (2013) ”Organization of the olfactory system of Nymphalidae butterflies”, Chemical Senses, 38: 355-367.
- Celorio-Mancera MP, Sundmalm SM, Vogel, H, Rutishauser D, Ytterberg AJ, Zubarev RA and Janz N (2012) ”Chemosensory proteins, major salivary factors in caterpillar mandibular glands” Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42: 796–805.
- Kodandaramaiah U, Weingartner E, Janz N, Leski M, Slove J, Warren A and Nylin S (2012) ”Investigating Concordance among Genetic Data, Subspecies Circumscriptions and Hostplant Use in the Nymphalid Butterfly Polygonia faunus” PLoS ONE 7(7): e41058.
- Janz N (2011) ”Ehrlich and Raven revisited: mechanisms underlying codiversification of plants and enemies” Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 42: 71-89.
- Carlsson MA, Bisch-Knaden S, Schäpers A, Mozuraitis R, Hansson BS and Janz N (2011) ”Odour maps in the brain of butterflies with divergent host-plant preferences” PLoS ONE 6: e24025
- Kodandaramaiah U, Weingartner E, Janz N, Dalén L, Nylin S (2011) ”Population structure in relation to host-plant ecology and Wolbachia infestation in the comma butterfly” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 2173-2185
- Slove J and Janz N (2011) ”The relationship between diet breadth and geographic range size in the butterfly subfamily Nymphalinae – a study of global scale” PLoS ONE 6: e16057.
- Slove J and Janz N (2010) ”Phylogenetic analysis of the latitude-niche breadth hypothesis in the butterfly subfamily Nymphalinae” Ecological Entomology 35: 768–774
- Agosta SJ, Janz N, and Brooks DR (2010) ”How specialists can be generalists: resolving the ”parasite paradox” and implications for emerging infectious disease” Zoologia 22: 151–162
- Heidel-Fischer HM, Freitak D, Janz N, Söderlind L Vogel H and Nylin S (2009) ”Phylogenetic relatedness and host plant growth form influence gene expression of the polyphagous comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album)” BMC Genomics10: 506
- Janz N, Söderlind L and Nylin S (2009) ”No effect of larval experience on adult host preferences in Polygonia c-album (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): on the persistence of Hopkins’ host selection principle” Ecological Entomology 34: 50-57
- Nylin S and Janz N (2009) ”Butterfly host plant range: an example of plasticity as a promoter of speciation?” Evolutionary Ecology 23:137-146
- Janz N and Nylin S (2008) ”The oscillation hypothesis of host plant range and speciation”. pp. 203-215. In K. J. Tilmon (ed.), ”Specialization, Speciation, and Radiation: the Evolutionary Biology of Herbivorous Insects”. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
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- Johansson J, Bergström A and Janz N (2007) ”The benefit of additional oviposition targets for a polyphagous butterfly” Journal of Insect Science 7:03.
- Bergström A, Janz N and Nylin S (2006) ”Putting more eggs in the best basket: clutch-size regulation in the comma butterfly” Ecological Entomology 31: 255-260.
- Janz N, Nylin S and Wahlberg N (2006) ”Diversity begets diversity: host expansions and the diversification of plant-feeding insects” BMC
Evolutionary Biology 6: 4.
- Janz N (2005) ”The relationship between habitat selection and preference for adult and larval food resources in the polyphagous butterfly Vanessa cardui (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)” Journal of Insect Behavior 18: 767-780.
- Janz N, Bergström A and Johansson J (2005) ”Frequency dependence of host plant choice within and between patches: a large cage experiment” Evolutionary Ecology 19: 289-302.
- Janz N, Bergström A and Sjögren A (2005) ”The role of nectar sources for oviposition decisions of the common blue butterfly Polyommatus icarus” Oikos 109: 535
- Nylin S, Nygren GH, Windig JJ, Janz N and Bergström A (2005) ”Genetics of host-plant preference in the comma butterfly Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae), and evolutionary implications” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84, 455-765.
- Janz N (2004) ”Macroecology from a sawfly's perspective” Book review. Evolution 58: 1880-1881.
- Janz N (2003) ”Sex-linkage of host plant use in butterflies” In: Boggs CL, Watt WB, Ehrlich PR (eds) ”Butterflies: Ecology and Evolution Taking Flight”. Pp 229-239. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
(unformatted manuscript)
Janz N (2003) ”The cost of polyphagy: oviposition decision time vs error rate in a butterfly” Oikos 100:493-496.
- Janz N (2002) ”Evolutionary ecology of oviposition strategies” In: Hilker, M. and Meiners, T. ”Chemoecology of insect eggs and egg deposition”. Pp: 349-376. Blackwell, Berlin.
(unformatted manuscript)
- Janz N and Thompson JN (2002) ”Plant polyploidy and host expansion in an insect herbivore” Oecologia, 130:570-575.
- Janz N, Nyblom K and Nylin S (2001) ”Evolutionary dynamics of host plant specialization: a case study of the tribe Nymphalini” Evolution, 55: 783-796.
- Nylin S, Nyblom K, Ronquist F, Janz N, Belicek J, Källersjö M (2001) ”Phylogeny of Polygonia, Nymphalis and related butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): a total evidence analysis” Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 132: 441-468.
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- Janz N (1999). ”Ecology and Evolution of butterfly host plant range”. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, ISBN 91-7153-886-0.
- Nylin S and Janz N (1999). ”Ecology and evolution of host plant range: butterflies as a model group”. In: "”Herbivores: Between Plants and Predators” . H. Olff, V. K. Brown and R. H. Drent. Oxford, Blackwell: 31-54.
- Janz N (1998) ”Sex-linked inheritance of host-plant specialization in a polyphagous butterfly” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B 265: 1675-1678.
- Janz N and Nylin S (1998). ”Butterflies and plants: a phylogenetic study.” Evolution 52: 486-502.
- Janz N and Nylin S (1997) ”The role of female search behaviour in determining host plant range in plant feeding insects: a test of the information processing hypothesis” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B 264: 701-707.
- Wedell N, Nylin S and Janz N (1997). ”Effects of larval host plant and sex on the propensity to enter diapause in the comma butterfly.” Oikos 78: 569-575.
- Nylin S and Janz N (1996). ”Host plant preferences in the comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album): Do parents and offspring agree?” Ecoscience 3: 285-289.
- Nylin S, Janz N and Wedell N (1996). ”Oviposition plant preference and offspring performance in the comma butterfly: Correlations and conflicts.” Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80: 141-144.
- Janz N, Nylin, S and Wedell N (1994). ”Host plant utilization in the comma butterfly: sources of variation and evolutionary implications.” Oecologia 99: 132-140.
- Nylin S and Janz N (1993). ”Oviposition preference and larval performance in Polygonia c-album (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): the choice between bad and worse.” Ecological Entomology 18: 394-398.